Tele- or not tele: Enna Tele-Ennalyt 90mm f/2.8

Table Of Contents ✓ Lens Version The lens can be divided into two different major versions: Version 1: Wide white bands and narrowly banded black bands on the aperture and focus ring. Serial Number <4,000,000. Version 2: Narrow black and white bands on the aperture and focus ring. It is also available in Enna "Sockel" mount. Serial Number >=4,000,000. Tele or not tele? For photography lenses, a telephoto lens has a focal length larger than the Total Track Length (TTL), where TTL is the distance from the surface of the sensor to the top of the lens. Enna adds “tele” before the name Ennalyt to indicate a telephoto lens. For example, Enna Tele-Ennalyt 90mm f/2.8(Ernostar design) is a telephoto lens while the Ennalyt 95mm f/2.8 & 100mm f/2.8(Triplet design) is a long-focus lens. Photo taken by Dr. Klaus D. Schmitt, remixed by Calvin Lens Specifications of the lens reviewed Lens mount: M42 (also available in Exakta mount) Focal length: 90mm Aperture adjustment: f/2....