Rodenstock Lenses Serial Numbers for 35mm Interchangeable lens cameras (羅敦司得可換鏡頭序列號)

Rodenstock was a well-known manufacturer of medium/large format lenses as well as enlarging lenses. From 1950s to early 1960s, they had produced some interchangeable Lenses for 35mm SLR and viewfinder cameras. Like many other Germany manufacturer, the lenses changed from chrome finish to black finish with focus/aperture ring in zebra style. Although Rodenstock produced two million lenses from 1954 to 1961, it seems the production number of interchangeable lenses is relatively low compare to other Germany manufacturer. I have included some data on serial numbers in the list below. As I don’t have the official production figures, the data may be far from complete. [u][b]If you have seen or owned a lens with serial number not listed in below, it will be nice if you let us know the serial number (first five digits or the whole number) with a link or photo. If you found any errors, please let me know too. Below is the list of all the interchangeable lenses made for 35mm cameras, sort...