The wrong way to use an enlarger: Fujinon-EX 50mm f/2.8

This is a 6 elements in 4 groups double Gauss enlarger made by Fuji Photo Optical since the mid-80s. Let’s see how it performs on a Sony A7RII.

The lens claimed to be having corner to corner sharpness by Fuji. Here is a sample taken 2-3 meters apart. It seems the claim is true: the low left corner is pretty decent at wide open.

When stopped down to about f/5.6, it shows pretty decent performance as a landscape lens.

Since this lens features straight aperture blades, it is expected the sunstars will be nicely defined when stopped down. 

This lens is well-corrected for spherical aberration. There are minor bright edges on the rear bokeh on the samples here, which suggests the lens is slightly over-corrected when used at low image magnification.

Here are some samples taken at medium distance. Although this lens are coated with Electron Beam Coating, there will be some venting flares on the photos due to light leak on the lens mount. Since this lens is not designed to use in outdoor, a hood will be benefit if we want to avoid the venting flares after we sealed the lens mount.

Wishing everyone a merry and bright holiday season! 



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